Test Your Internet Filter

Verify that your Internet Filter is blocking illegal, harmful, and inappropriate content

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TestFiltering.com enables you to check that your internet filter is working correctly without having to access harmful or illegal content manually. We work with specific partners to host test URL's on various lists and have test pages hosted where they will be blocked.

Test Filtering Overview

It is important to recognise the results from the TestFiltering utility are an indication.  Any queries should be sought from your system administrator or filtering system provider.

TestFiltering.com has been developed by the charity SWGfL. SWGfL is a partner in the UK Safer Internet Centre and part of the European Insafe Network

This service was setup in response to the introduction of statutory guidance for schools in the UK about appropriate levels of filtering and monitoring of school internet connections. The UK Safer Internet Centre first published its filtering and monitoring definitions in 2016 to help both schools and providers understand what should be considered as ‘appropriate’.

Further Guidance on Appropriate Filtering

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